Air Compressors - Helpful Attachments for Air Compressors

Let's say you finally go to the store and invest in an air compressor. You've heard how great air compressors are and how helpful for home improvement they are, and you have decided that, with all the home repairs on your "To Do" list, a compressor will come in handy. Once you bring it home, however, do you know what to do with it? How exactly do you plan to utilize your tank of pressurized air? Perhaps one of a variety of handy attachments will be just what you need to begin your home repairs.

Sander Tools

First, invest in quick connect couplers and an inflation kit. Any tools you buy will require the couplers in order to be connected to the air hose, and if your kid's bicycle tire goes flat or he's dying to have his brand new pool toy inflated, you'll be glad you bought the inflation kits.

Sander Tools

Have you ever struggled to scrub away stubborn dirt from the wheel well of your car, or laboriously tried to wipe away all the dust and cobwebs from a piece of stored furniture? If so, a blo-gun is what you need to invest in. You'll be surprised with all the uses you find for your blo-gun. Just be sure never to point it at exposed flesh.

A nail gun is another attachment never to point at exposed flesh; however, if you're tired of wasting energy banging away with a hammer, let your air compressor do the work for you and invest in a nail gun. You could also use an air hammer or an air drill to do jobs around the house faster and easier.

An air stapler is an energy saving attachment much like the nail gun, and you'll be surprised at what you can find to staple. Perhaps your roof needs re-shingling? A heavy duty air stapler may be the time-saving convenience that you're looking for.

If you like to work on cars, an air ratchet wrench or impact wrench can make your job a whole lot easier.

Even if you don't do body work on automobiles, an air sander and a sandblaster are attachments that can come in handy. Rather than laboriously scraping away old paint chips when you repaint your house, you could save time and the strength in your arm with an air sander or a sandblaster.

Once you start to actually paint your house, a paint gun may be just what you need to cut your labor time in half and improve the quality of your workmanship.

As you can tell by the aforementioned examples, air compressors start to look a lot less daunting and a lot more promising when you realize the time and energy they can save you if you invest in a few handy attachments.

Air Compressors - Helpful Attachments for Air Compressors
Sander Tools

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